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Child Sexual Abuse
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What is Child Sexual Abuse?
Child Sexual Abuse is the use of a child for sexual gratification by an older or more powerful person. The offender is usually an adult, but could also be a more powerful child. Both girls and boys are vulnerable. Besides being a public health concern, it is a crime punishable by law.
Types of Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse includes the following Touching and Non-Touching Behaviors (but need not be limited only to these acts)
Touching behaviors include
4Fondling a child's body for sexual pleasure
4Kissing a child with sexual undertones/inclinations.
4Rubbing genitals against a child's body.
4Sexually touching a child's body, and specifically private parts (breasts and genitals). Includes encouraging or forcing a child to
      do likewise.
4Making a child touch someone else's genitals, or playing sexual ("pants-down") games.
4Encouraging or forcing a child to masturbate, with the child as either a participant or observer.
4Encouraging or forcing a child to perform oral sex (mouth-to-genital contact on or by the child)
4Inserting objects or body parts (like fingers, tongue or penis) inside the vagina, mouth, or anus of a child; includes attempts of        these acts.
Non-touching behaviors include
4Encouraging a child to watch or hear sexual acts either in person or lowering the bars of privacy
4Looking at a child sexually
4Exposing one's private body parts to a child (exhibitionism)
4Watching a child in a state of nudity, such as while undressing, using the bathroom, with or without the child's knowledge       (voyeurism)
4An adult making suggestive comments to the child that are sexual in nature. Commenting on the sexual development of a child
4Encouraging or forcing a child to read/watch pornography, giving pornographic material or using the child in pornography
